Conditions for registering a .gov domain name
What does the gov domain name mean?
.gov (abbreviation for government) A dedicated domain name for government agencies. ".gov" is one of the top-level domain names available when choosing a domain name. It is generally used to describe an entity that owns a domain name that is a branch or agency of the U.S. federal government (other U.S. government levels recommend the use of ".us" for the geographic top-level domain name). The top-level domain name, along with the second-level domain name, is required for both web and email addresses
Requirements for registering
Strictly review the domain name registration and cancellation of government portal websites. Provincial people's governments and departments of the State Council register or cancel the domain name of the government portal website, after obtaining the consent of the principal person in charge of the region and the department, report to the General Office of the State Council for the record, and submit the basic information form for the application of government website domain name business to the national domain name registration authority , the registration authority for the English domain name of "" is the China Internet Network Information Center of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, and the registration authority for the Chinese domain name of "" is the Domain Name Registration Management Center of the Central Office of Government Affairs and Public Welfare Organizations. To register or cancel the domain name of the government portal website, the people's government at the prefecture-level and county-level shall submit the basic information form for the application of the government website domain name business to the general office (office) of the people's government at the next higher level with the approval of the main person in charge of the region. , the general office of the provincial people's government shall submit the government website domain name business review form to the national domain name registration authority. The national domain name registration authority shall verify the information in accordance with laws and regulations, and complete the registration or cancellation within 3 working days after the verification is passed.