From a rookie in Chinese composition to a professional writer in the media, I would like to share my creative experience with you.


To be honest, when I was studying in the past, I was most afraid of Chinese subjects, because there were composition questions in Chinese. The teacher never praised me, and never used my composition as a model to read aloud. Over time, I became a little unfamiliar and afraid of writing.

Later, in order to overcome this fear, I worked hard to overcome the obstacles in my heart. I wrote and wrote when I had time. Others were drinking tea, chatting, and playing... I didn't have any spare time. I just picked up my phone and wrote. I actually wrote more than one million original texts in the leftovers of time. Although it is difficult to reach the hall of elegance, it cannot be said that it has been passed down through the ages, but after all, it is the fruit of my labor, and it is the trace and record of my journey. Looking back suddenly, I am filled with emotion. I still admire my perseverance and perseverance over the years. If I had to start all over again and write so many words, I certainly couldn't do it.

In the final analysis, this is the credit of the media. It is it that has gradually tempered and accomplished me. Without it, I might still be living a muddled, walking-dead life. If, one day, I accidentally rise to fame, become a great writer known to women and children, and win a heavyweight literary award, and someone asks me for my acceptance speech, I would most like to thank the media.

Looking at the content I have written, the writing is relatively trivial, astronomy and geography, three teachings and nine streams, everything, and I do not focus on one field. Qu Index, I not only wrote more than 600 articles, but also one or two hundred articles, which may not be standardized or meet the requirements of the platform, and were deleted by the background. In all fairness, this is nothing, it may be that the platform is in the position of protecting me, preventing me from getting angry, and deleting my controversial articles. I can understand and accept this.

Life is like a dream, and in the blink of an eye, it has reached the age of no confusion. I have been on the road of self-media for four years without knowing it, and the taste of it is like drinking water, knowing whether it is cold or warm. I once wanted to give up, but I stopped and went, and I persevered. I don’t have any ambitions, nor ideals, nor have I seriously planned the future. I only know how to live the present, take one step, and count one step.

At present, the self-media has also developed into a bottleneck period. Many creators can't hold on and quit midway. Some are still big Vs with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of fans. It is understandable. After all, everyone is going for dividends. If there is no benefit, most people will opt out.

I don't know what to do with the media. If you want to make a living with self-media as the main business, it is probably difficult; if you want to exercise and enrich yourself, you might as well experience it as a hobby.

Maybe everyone thinks that I have created so many works, I must be very professional and excellent, but it is not, I also came from a rookie step by step. Everything has a process of accumulation. "The sun is crowned with a death, and the merit is not donated." Over time, the accumulation of soil becomes a mountain, just like the fire of a single star, and slowly it will become a prairie prairie.

I can only code words, but I can’t make videos. This is my shortcoming and regret, and now the most popular self-media is video, because most people are not used to thinking, they are too lazy to read, they just want to pursue the senses The excitement and enjoyment on the Internet, there are too many people who watch videos every day, men and women, young and old, pick up the mobile phone and immerse themselves in it, unable to extricate themselves. If creators want to get more traffic, they might as well use videos as a breakthrough, first circle fans, accumulate a certain number of fans, and then seek to monetize the traffic. This should be an easy way to make money.

(It’s hard to code words. If you are interested, please pay attention. Thank you for your comments and likes. Some pictures are from the Internet.)

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