What are the methods of social media promotion?


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> > One of the specific promotion methods is Weibo promotion, and then the promotion of Moments. All of these promotion methods are very basic and very simple. Any of our companies can learn from it. As long as you do it, you can , and then there are some test cooperation with some bottom promotions of some WeChat accounts, which belong to the promotion of B2B exchange, and the promotion of Guangdiantong. >

Guangdiantong, many people may not know much about it. Guangdiantong is actually an advertising model similar to Baidu Alliance. It is the parent company of WeChat. Tencent has developed such an advertising product system. It is a business. You have this For marketing and promotion needs, you need to publish this promotion copy on more than 10,000 WeChat public accounts. If you talk about it yourself, it will be too tiring, but if you use WeChat's Guangdiantong, you can pay the money and then pass the The settings in the background, which type of WeChat public account my ad needs to appear, how many times it needs to appear, and the frequency of appearance, and then you can set it up and it can be easily placed.

There is another kind of promotion. The Lantern Festival is a popular one. In this festival, we use that festival to promote some festival activities related to the festival. After the promotion, we can also do some interaction with fans. How to revitalize these fans? , we have done some things like positioning with fans, setting some labels for them, and classifying different fans into different categories. Membership system, he is actually a classification system, and then we can establish some WeChat groups, because the current community community, about the community, we have mentioned it many times, but what about now? If you look at it, it may be a WeChat group and a QQ group, or it is a very, very good way for us to carry out this kind of community marketing and fan maintenance.

Community marketing, there are so many all over the country, pay attention to our WeChat account, then we have established some WeChat groups all over the country, fans in the WeChat group will say, what will happen after this product is bought? Whether it’s good or bad can be said through the WeChat group, if you have some good suggestions, new ideas, or these products that you need and want us to continue to sell. Through this group can be very convenient for interaction and marketing.

In the follow-up, we can engage in some offline activities based on fans. Then, after doing so much work, there is marketing, promotion, product development, and function development, and then we have to do an analysis and review. How to do the analysis and review? But the first point, you must carry out a data analysis, and then you can draw conclusions, carry forward and correct.

Although the threshold for self-media to start is not high, it is difficult to do well. The first is that it is difficult to have continuous content output, and the second is that even if you create excellent content, it is difficult for others to pay attention. Is there a good way to promote self-media?

Today, I will help you sort out 10 commonly used methods.

1. Press release promotion

If you have a certain creative ability, you can write some soft articles, publish them on major websites and forums, and provide some information about your own products, which will generally get a lot of external traffic.

2. Self-media navigation promotion

There are some professional public account navigation stations. These stations generally provide classification and ranking of self-media accounts. They are similar in nature to early website websites. You can consider logging in your own self-media information. Some, and there is a fee, so do your research carefully before doing this.

3. Chat tool promotion

The current self-media information is generally obtained from QR code information, which can be known by scanning it, so you can save the picture and send it through the chat tool. As long as you persevere, it will also have a certain effect. Some are slow, the advantage is that there is no cost.

4. Ground promotion

Print out your own QR code, and then go to a place where people gather to attract others' attention by doing activities. The general effect is okay, but it requires certain communication skills. In the case of strong communication skills, many people do not need it. Gifts will pay attention to you.

5. Mutual promotion among peers

You can join as many communities of the same kind. Everyone is doing the same job and there will be many topics. In addition to improving your own experience, you can also promote your own media to a certain extent through the other party's we-media resources. . If it is not in the same field, it is also beneficial to others.

6. Opinion leader promotion

You can promote it through some self-media giants with certain fans, and some influential opinion leaders will see immediate results if you promote them. There may also be some cost issues involved. If you don't want to do this, you can also ask relatives and friends to promote your official account, which will also have a certain effect.

7. Very use account promotion

Create some accounts that are not frequently used, and extend your hands longer by adding similar functions such as adding nearby people. Different self-media accounts can add different upper limits, so you don’t need to add them to the upper limit. This method also requires accumulation, but the effect is obvious.

8. Community promotion

Send your self-media information to some social networking sites, which was very effective a few years ago, such as Kaixin.com and Tieba. But in recent years, everyone has become immune to these, but due to the huge community and traffic, they can still get good results. At the same time, if you can write a popular article that can be widely circulated, the effect is also very significant. But also very tired.

9. Q&A website promotion

Some high-traffic Q&A websites are also good places to promote self-media, especially for those self-media where professional knowledge is more prominently expressed. A professional answer, if it can enter the official recommendation, the traffic it brings is also very significant. And answering common questions will also get good traffic.

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