What is the difference between Chinese and English domain name prefix names?
- Naming rules for Chinese domain name prefixes
When registering a Chinese domain name, please follow the following domain name naming rules:
(1) The Chinese domain name needs to contain at least one Chinese character, and the rest can contain English letters (az, case insensitive), numbers (0-9) and "-" (connector in English, that is, the horizontal line).
(2) Only one simplified and traditional Chinese is required to be registered (most registries’ traditional and simplified domain names are equivalent. For example, if the simplified version of the domain name has been registered, the traditional Chinese version cannot be registered, and vice versa).
(3) There cannot be illegal characters at the beginning and end. For example, hyphen (-), plus sign (+), , &, space, etc.
(4) The domain name cannot be pure English or numbers.
(5) "-" cannot appear consecutively, cannot be registered separately, and cannot be placed at the beginning and end.
(6) The length of the domain name should not exceed 63 characters after being converted into Punycode.
(7) Some domain names do not support Chinese prefixes, such as ".com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn".
- Naming rules for English domain name prefixes
When registering an English domain name, please follow the following domain name naming rules:
(1) Only English letters (az, case-insensitive), numbers (0-9), and "-" (connector in English, that is, the horizontal line) can be used.
(2) Spaces and special characters cannot be used, such as! , $, &, ? Wait.
(3) "-" cannot appear consecutively, cannot be registered separately, and cannot be placed at the beginning and end.
(4) The length of the domain name does not exceed 63 characters.
The above is about the naming rules of Chinese and English domain name prefixes, I hope it can help you.